I am a full time Mathematics teacher and the aim of this website is to give away mathematical resources, free of charge! It will give me absolute pleasure to know that I have contributed to the education of mathematics and to the development of mathematicians!
I will be mainly producing and collecting a huge number of resources to help students in their revision and passing their exams and assisting other teachers in teaching the subject. I will be writing exam style questions tailored to the new GCSE (9-1), new A level and new Further Maths specifications, which can be used by students for revision and teachers in the classroom. I aim to produce worked solutions for most of the questions on the website although that will take some time.
Some of the contents are not available yet but I will be adding contents and resources on an ongoing basis.
Latest Updates :
Dec 2020 – 4 Practice Papers, including both Pure & Applied, for Year 12 have been uploaded to ‘Year 1 AS Pure’ page under ‘Extra Resources’. Those are perfect revision materials for the Year 12 students at the end of their Year 12 course and who are about to start the Year 13 curriculum. Those papers provide a smooth transition to Year 13 as they focus more on problem solving skills
July 2020 – 15 A level Pure Practice Papers & 17 Mechanics A level Papers have now been uploaded to ‘A level Practice Papers’ page. These papers are excellent revision resources for A level exam revision
If you can help support my running costs with a donation or wish to sponsor the site then please get in touch.