Below are all the topics covered for the Year 12 Applied Maths AS course.

The Year 12 Applied AS is split into Statistics and Mechanics. The topics have been broken down with corresponding legacy exam Questions and their mark schemes, both carefully edited to the new AS level 2018 Specifications. The topics have been organised so as to make it easier for teachers and students to assess them.

There are two sets of Exam Questions, from 2005 to 2011 and from 2012 to 2018. ‘Solutions’ are detailed written solutions and ‘MS’ are the edited mark schemes for each Exam Questions.

‘Exam Style Qs’ will have questions on any new topics which were not in the old A level Specifications. They will compensate the legacy ‘Exam Qs’

Students who need help on particular topics can access more practice questions in ‘Extra Practice’


All of the exam questions on the website are under copyright, held by the exam board Edexcel. I have drawn mostly on resources which have been made publicly online with the intention of abiding by the ‘fair use’ principle for educational purposes. They are certainly not for any financial gain


TopicsPast Exam QuestionsExam Style Qs
Data CollectionExam Qs

Solutions MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Measures of location and spreadExam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Interpolation QuestionsExam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Representations of DataExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
BoxplotsExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
HistogramsExam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Exam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions

Venn Diagrams
Exam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Mutually Exc & Independent EventsExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Tree DiagramsExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Statistical Distributions

Probability Distribution
Exam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Binomial DistributionExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions
Hypothesis TestingExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice  Solutions


TopicsPast Exam QuestionsExam Style Qs
Modelling in MechanicsExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Constant AccelerationExam Qs
Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Horizontal MotionExam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Vertical MotionExam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Velocity/Displacement Time GraphsExam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Forces and Motion
Forces as Vectors
Exam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Connected Objects - Horizontal PlaneExam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Connected Objects - Pulleys
Exam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions
Variable Acceleration
Exam Qs

Solutions  MS

Exam Qs
Solutions  MS
Exam Style Qs  Solutions

Extra Practice   Solutions